Wall Street Journal Reports: Splintered System Often Fails Mentally Ill With Low IQs (IDD)

The need for proactive and effective services for all Individuals with Developmental Disabilities cannot be over emphasized. From Adam Lanza in Newtown, Conn. to Deborah Clark in California, the need for adequate support system and resources for the service Deborah Clark, center, with her father. providers to meet the challenges, have all the more brought the urgency to the forefront. Service Providers need all the supports and the resources for the safety and the successful community placements of our citizens with special needs. We need to be cognizant of the co-occurrence rates of developmental disabilities and mental health needs. The statistics reflect the fact that people with IDD are at a significantly higher risk of mental illness. The prevalence is conservatively estimated at 33%, with some sources reporting much higher rates. These populations susceptibility is increased by biological and social factors. However, effective mental h...