2014′s Best & Worst Cities for People with Disabilities: Augusta and Atlanta Ranked 13th and 39th in the Nation Respectively

A new ranking is offering insight on the nation’s best and worst places for people with disabilities to call home. Overland Park, Kan. is topping the analysis of the nation’s 150 most populated cities. Also rounding out the list’s top five cities for people with disabilities are Lubbock, Texas and three Arizona towns — Peoria, Scottsdale and Chandler. In observance of Disability Employment Awareness Month, WalletHub identified the cities with the most suitable conditions for individuals with disabilities. Put together by the consumer finance website WalletHub, the ranking factors three key areas — economic environment, quality of life and health care — to assess each locale and determine what the site called “the most suitable conditions for individuals with disabilities.” Specifically, each city was measured based on 23 factors ranging from the cost of living to the employment rate for people with disabilities in the area, walkability and the effectiveness o...