
Showing posts from June 4, 2017

Autism Detectable In Infants, Study Suggests

MRI study: Autism Detectable at 6 months of Age  By using a technique known as machine learning to look at brain patterns in infants, researchers say they were able to successfully flag most children on the spectrum well before symptoms appeared. The findings published in the journal Science Translational Medicine may offer a first step to developing an early detection method for autism, researchers said.

Living with Down Syndrome

Caleb's Story Stacy’s son, Caleb, was born with Down syndrome.  She shares how having a child with disabilities gives her family a new cup by which to measure. Read her family’s story below. There are many different emotions a mother and father go through when their child is born with a disability, but the emotion that most often gets stymied in the midst of tests and uncertainties is the simple beautiful joy of having a baby. Our son Caleb was born with  Down syndrome , and I did not wish to hide or ignore the diagnosis, but I found it difficult to celebrate as countless tests and pending results kept knocking at the door.

Airlines Face Soaring Disability Complaints

Complaints Against Airlines on the Increase  The number of disability-related complaints against airlines shot up more than twofold in a decade, a new government report finds. Travelers with disabilities filed more than 30,000 complaints with airlines in 2015, up from fewer than 14,000 in 2005.  The vast majority of complaints — 58 percent — blamed airlines for failing to provide assistance, generally with wheelchairs, GAO found. (credit: Disability Scoop)

Emergency Departments Could Play Significant Role in Reducing Suicide Attempts

Suicide is Preventable Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States. A significant proportion of individuals who die by suicide have made a prior suicide attempt, and often access emergency care (ED) services. Research funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) now shows hospital emergency departments can play a vital role in lowering the number of suicide attempts among adults by as much as 30 percent. Learn more......