
Showing posts from March 12, 2017

5 Things You Should Know About Stress

Stress is how the brain and body respond to any demand. Every type of demand or stressor—such as exercise, work, school, major life changes, or traumatic events—can be stressful. Stress can motivate people to prepare or perform, like when they need to take a test or interview for a new job. Stress can even be life-saving in some situations. Health problems can occur if the stress response goes on for too long or becomes chronic, such as when the source of stress is constant, or if the response continues after the danger has subsided. Read more...

Orphan finds his own happiness after mission to make strangers smile

Jaden It is every kid’s worst nightmare - and  Jaden Hayes  has lived it. Twice. First he lost his dad when he was four and then not long after, his mom died unexpectedly in her sleep. ................ “Well, I’m trying to make people smile.  Rubber duckies, dinosaurs,” Jaden said. Those are the things that make people smile, he said. Read more.......